Click on The digiAbstract Button Above to Submit a Paper
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts submitted to the congress will be collected only through the Online Abstract Module. Applications via e-mail, fax and other methods will not be accepted.
The entire evaluation process related to the papers will be followed through the system with the e-mail and password of the participant.
The presenting author is required to upload the abstract to the system after registering to the congress.
The names and surnames of the authors should be filled in according to their order in the study, and the "Presenting Author" box to the under of the name of the person who will present the study should be checked.
The name of the author who will present the paper and the name of the participant who uploaded the abstract to the system must match.
In order for the abstract to be included in the congress book, at least one of the authors must register for the congress.
Abstracts should be prepared as oral and poster, with a maximum of 1.250 words.
Abstracts should consist of the following sections.
*Material and Method:
The number of keywords should be minimum 3 and maximum 5 words.
The total number of photographs, tables and figures should not exceed 3.
The names of the institutions where the authors work must be indicated.
Unless you save and submit your papers, you can correct them through the online system until the deadline.
Abstracts that are not submitted in accordance with the specified rules will be excluded from the evaluation.
The organizing committee and Dalya Tourism are not responsible for missing or incorrect information.
The names and surnames of the authors should be filled in according to their order in the study and “Presenting Author” should be indicated.
The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work must be indicated.
Please do not forget to enter your e-mail address and cell phone number while registering to the system in order to avoid communication problems regarding your abstracts. Papers without contact information in the system will not be evaluated.
The scientific and legal responsibility for the paper belongs to the authors.
Referee Evaluation Process of Papers
The Referee Team, formed by the Scientific Committee Members, will determine the scientific quality and suitability of the papers through the online system with the blind review method.
Participants will be able to follow the entire evaluation process (acceptance and rejection status) of their papers through the system with their e-mail and password.
In addition, the evaluation results will be sent to the presenting authors’ e-mail address they introduced to the system.
Paper Presentation Rules
The time and day of presentation for oral presentations will be announced after the acceptance of the papers.
For poster presentations, poster dimensions, presentation place and presentation date will be announced after the acceptance of the papers.
Posters will be printed by the authors and physically brought to the poster presentation area on May 14.